Welcome to the UCWLC's website!
  • The Ukrainian Catholic Women's League of Canada in its ongoing commitment to the mission of the Church, and to the nurturing of our cultural heritage, is dedicated to providing resources that help its members to realize their own true vocation and live an authentic Christian life as contributing members to the Church and society.
  • Contact us to learn how you can help, at presidentnatl@ucwlc.ca
  • #PRAYFORPEACE  #StandWithUkraine  #HelpUkraineNow  #UniteWithUkraine
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“Our destiny is in safe Mother’s hands”, the Head of the UGCC during the consecration of Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

On Friday, March 25, in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, the Holy Father Francis consecrated Russia, Ukraine and all humanity to the Immaculate Heart of Mary during a penitential service. The bishops of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC in Ukraine, led by His Beatitude Sviatoslav, joined the Pope from the Cathedral of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsia.

Campaign to Retire the Museum Mortgage and Build Sustainability

Statement of Apology by the Catholic Bishops of Canada to the Indigenous Peoples of This Land

Statement of Apology by the Catholic Bishops of Canada to the Indigenous Peoples of This Land    We, the Catholic Bishops of Canada, gathered in Plenary this week, take this opportunity to affirm to you, the Indigenous Peoples of this land, that we acknowledge the suffering experienced in Canada’s Indian Residential Schools.

Canadian Bishops Announced $30M National Financial Pledge to Support Healing and Reconciliation Initiatives

Canadian Bishops Announce $30M National Financial Pledge to Support Healing and Reconciliation Initiatives

Participate in the UCC Community Engagement Survey

The first-ever national survey of Ukrainian Canadians is generating excitement and engagement across Canada.  Over 2,000 responses from across the country have already been gathered. Ukrainian Canadians are sharing their thoughts on values, beliefs and priorities that unite us.   The perspectives of a broad spectrum of Ukrainian Canadians are important for us to keep growing as a thriving and engaged community. We ask for 10 minutes of your time to answer a few questions on values and identity, involvement in educational and artistic programs; volunteerism, and affinity...

Nasha Doroha Celebrates 50 years!

Сьогодні ми святкуємо Золотий Ювілей свого улюбленого журналу Ліги Українських Католицьких Жінок Канади “Наша Дорога”. 50 років для Вічності — це мить, а для періо дичного видання — вагомий і від- повідальний проміжок часу…

Фотозвіт з діяльності ліґи українських католицьких жінок Канади – СФУЖО

Download the SFUZHO AGM November 1, 2020 report, below: http://www.ucwlc.ca/wp-content/uploads/ЛУКЖК—UCWLC-for-SFUZHO-AGM-November-1_2020-1.pdf

Featured Organization

UCC Saskatchewan “UCC Saskatchewan relies on your support to meet our vision of building a strong, culturally vibrant Ukrainian community in Saskatchewan, and to facilitate services in our province,” said John Denysek, president of UCC Saskatchewan. Featured Member OrganizationЗнайомтесь, наша складова організація From the video “UCWLC – Eparchy of Saskatoon: Highlighting Celebrating 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada in 2019”Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada...

2020 UCWLC Interactive Mosaic

UCWLC XXVI National Congress – October 3-6, 2019

Celebrating 75 Years! Eparchy of TorontoImportant registration and accommodation info below. Congress Information for National Executive and Committees (Eng) Congress Information for National Executive and Committees (Ukr) 2019 Congress RegistrationHotel InfoHotel Reservation Code

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