Welcome to the UCWLC's website!
  • The Ukrainian Catholic Women's League of Canada in its ongoing commitment to the mission of the Church, and to the nurturing of our cultural heritage, is dedicated to providing resources that help its members to realize their own true vocation and live an authentic Christian life as contributing members to the Church and society.
  • Contact us to learn how you can help, at presidentnatl@ucwlc.ca
  • #PRAYFORPEACE  #StandWithUkraine  #HelpUkraineNow  #UniteWithUkraine
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Ukrainian Catholic Organizations of Canada, including the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada (UCWLC) and Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada (UCBC) and Ukrainian Catholic Young Adults of Canada will be holding their 25th Congress in Winnipeg on June 30, July 01-02, 2016. Our Canadian eparchies are seeking delegates to attend this 25th Congress in Winnipeg. UCWLC XXV CONGRESS JUNE 30, JULY 1 & 2, 2016 HOTEL RESERVATIONS: BEST WESTERN AIRPORT HOTEL 1715 WELLINGTON AVENUE WINNIPEG, MB. R3H 0G1 PHONE NUMBER: 1 204 775 9889 COST/NIGHT: $112.00 plus taxes PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL MAY...

The Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada, Archeparchy of Winnipeg 37th Convention

he Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada, Archeparchy of Winnipeg will hold their 37th Convention in conjunction with the Youth, Brotherhood, Knights of Columbus and Parish Council representatives. ЛІґА УКРАЇНСЬКИХ КАТОЛИЦЬКИХ ЖІНОК КАНАДИ ВІННІПЕЗЬКОЇ АРХИЄПАРХІЇ 16-17 жовтня 2015 року Божого XXXVII З’ЇЗД October 16-17, 2015 Holy Eucharist Parish Centre 460 Munroe Street Winnipeg, Manitoba. This year’s theme: Becoming A More Welcoming Сhurch With Guest Speaker: Father Michael Kwiatkowski Review...

UCWLC – Resolutions at the Congress

Elsie Marykuca, Legislation Convenor, National Executive Resolutions are action plans formally written for the UCWLC members in their parishes after the closing of the Congress. Every three years at the pre-congress plenary, the members of the National Executive discuss the resolutions that each eparchy has presented.  Several are presented to the delegates on the convention floor. There is a further discussion; sometimes there are additions or changes. The delegates then vote on the resolutions. Following is a list of the resolutions that were passed at the UCWLC Congress in 2013, so that everyone...

Lubov – SSMI Foundation

  New Foundation – A Living Example of “To Serve is to Love.” The Lubov SSMI Foundation believes that “To Serve is to Love”. We have been created to support the works of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate in ways that enhance their ministries. We help: Educate the young Provide spiritual comfort to those in need Nurture the lonely Care for the sick Provide comfort to the elderly The Foundation’s priorities at this time are to raise dollars in support of Immaculate Heart of Mary School (the only private Ukrainian Catholic School in Canada); Holy Family Home...

40th Vesna Festival

Dance the night away… Explore the market… Visit Cafe Kyiv Saturday, May 11th, 2013 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan TCV Place – 6pm to 1am http://www.vesnafestival.com  

National Congress ● June 27-30th, 2013

Book your accommodations for the 2013 Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada and Ukrainian Catholic Brotherwood of Canada National Congress in Saskatoon, Sk on June 27-30.

A Message From The 120th Anniversary Commemorative Committee

The Ukrainian Canadian community has truly rallied this year in marking 120 years of Ukrainian settlement in Canada. Since our committee was mandated by the UCC Triennial Congress last November to facilitate the celebration of this significant anniversary, it was clear from the beginning that the ‘heavy lifting’ would be readily done at the local level. Since an official logo was selected and made available for general use, we have received a steady stream of requests for permission to print the logo on posters and program booklets, on banners and signage, on articles of clothing to be worn...

National Plenary in Moose Jaw, SK

The Shevchenko Foundation assists Theresa Sokyrka to produce a Ukrainian Roots Album

With a generous recording grant from the Shevchenko Foundation, Theresa Sokyrka – recording artist and singer/songwriter has successfully completed her first self titled Ukrainian Roots Album. As a fourth generation Canadian of Ukrainian descent, Theresa realizes the importance of promoting her culture through song. Her love for Ukrainian music has been fostered by her involvement with the Ukrainian Bilingual program at St. Goretti School (now Bishop Filevich School) in Saskatoon, as well as her years of singing with Saskatoon’s Lastiwka Ukrainian youth choir and orchestra. The CD is...

Theresa Sokyrka Performance December 11th

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