Welcome to the UCWLC's website!
  • The Ukrainian Catholic Women's League of Canada in its ongoing commitment to the mission of the Church, and to the nurturing of our cultural heritage, is dedicated to providing resources that help its members to realize their own true vocation and live an authentic Christian life as contributing members to the Church and society.
  • Contact us to learn how you can help, at presidentnatl@ucwlc.ca
  • #PRAYFORPEACE  #StandWithUkraine  #HelpUkraineNow  #UniteWithUkraine
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Revitalizing Our Mission – by Lena Sloboda

The theme for the UCWLC 31st Edmonton Eparchial Convention is “Revitalizing Our Mission.” It is with pride that today we look back to 1944, the beginnings of our organization: the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada. Today we are on the threshold of celebrating its 60th Anniversary (1944-2004). Today, all UCWLC members can take pride in the rich and illustrious history of the League. Our 60-year history is full of valuable contributions made by our pioneer Branches who helped forge the development of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and the Ukrainian Canadian community in...

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